Internals of an Atom
Tao of Physics Terminologies & key notes 1. Atom is made of following particles a. electrons b. protons c. neutrons d. photons <== new for me (எல்லா அணுவினுள்ளும் ஒளி அடங்கி கிடக்கிறது!) e. ... (more to be discovered) 2. Every particle has anti-particle with equal mass and opposite charge. E.g. electron --> anti-electron 3. An unstable neutron gets converted into following neutron --> proton + electron + anti-neutrino; here anti-neutrino is a mass-less particle that is emanates out. 4. What makes the neutron unstable? ( stable in micro or nano-seconds ) Ans: As long as a neutron is inside the nucleus of an atom, it is stable. But if it comes out, it become unstable and changes itself as in the equation above. (What makes it stable when it is inside and what makes it unstable is not yet clear to this world?) 5. Collis...